A picture is better than a video.

A photograph holds a power that a video cannot replicate. Time itself is relentless, slipping through our grasp, unpausable and unstoppable. While a video can pause, it is not time—it is merely an echo, a constructed shadow trying to mimic the flow of life. It can never truly capture the essence of a moment, only a reflection of its form.

In a world where time is precious, it feels impractical to expect anyone to devote themselves endlessly to watching videos. A photograph, by contrast, offers the gift of immediacy—a single glance can reveal a story, evoke emotion, and preserve the fleeting. This is why my heart leans toward photographs; they are timeless in their efficiency and profound in their simplicity.

Leica M9 with Elmarit 28mm f2.8 v3

Walking and drinking meets walking and shooting.

Some people say that Coca-Cola can cause obesity, but the slim guy in front of you doesn’t have to worry about that. When he drinks Coca-Cola, it’s like nothing else matters. The sweet and sour taste makes everything in front of him more beautiful. I don’t drink Coca-Cola. My camera captures the joy of drinking it.

Leica M9 with Elmarit 28mm f2.8 v3

Temporary barber store

It’s a makeshift barbershop on the side of the road. There’s no fixed store, just a chair and a pair of scissors. But it’s open for business! Sometimes it’s on the left side of the road, sometimes on the right. A hundred years ago, Chinese men wore their hair long. It would be disrespectful to our ancestors if we cut it short. Nowadays, almost every man cuts his hair short. People think that showing respect to our ancestors is not about how we look, but about how we act. We should be more pragmatic.

Leica M9 with Elmarit 28mm f2.8 v3
Leica M9 with Elmarit 28mm f2.8 v3